Flaxseed Trading is a fourth generation company which originated from the family business Vanhulle Lijnzaad. Their specialisation is cleaning linseed for human consumption in all kinds of applications including bread, granola mixtures, roll toppings, etc. The cleaned linseed is sold in all European countries.
The ingredients are carefully selected all over the world and thoroughly tested according to many different quality parameters.
The production process is fully automated with the possibility of the finest adjustments of machinery and process follow-up into the smallest details.
All deliveries take place with the greatest care, to the just-in-time principle, in accordance with national and international quality standards, in 10 to 25 kg paper bags, in big bags or in silo wagons.
- Flaxseed Trading is unique in its kind thanks to the far-reaching specialisation in only one product: LINSEED. That is why cross-contamination and/or accidental mixture is virtually impossible.
- Following the specialisation in one product it is easier to carefully follow up the daily evolution of markets and prices.
- For several generations very broad experience was gained in the treatment of this one product, from A to Z.
- We are an absolute family business where customers still talk to the managing director.
- Flexibility is one of our biggest assets, including deliveries on special pallets or bags with the customer’s print.
- We aim for a long-term relationship with our customers.
- Personal dedication and reliability are our secret ingredients.
- We follow the technical evolution closely and implement the newest production techniques to deliver the highest quality product.
- Quality is what matters most. The Tournai site is FSSC22000 / ISO22000 / FCA (GMP) – including HACCP – certified.

FLAX, the plant it’s all about. Even though Belgium has always had a rich flax history, the textile variation is mostly grown in our regions. Plants cultivated for the fibre and not so much for the seed. Linseed is the variation used for consumption and the linseed we process nowadays is mainly brought in from Kazakhstan and Russia and smaller amounts from other countries including the UK, Germany, Sweden, Moldavia and Poland.
The product is delivered to us after the harvest and undergoes a dry and mechanical cleaning. Nothing is added and the product only comes in contact with our machinery. The incoming product is cleaned using several sorting machines until an end product that is free of impurities (like for example plant parts) is obtained. The linseed is stored in bulk silos after cleaning, ready for transfer, or ready to be packaged in paper bags or big bags, after previously being weighed on calibrated scales.

All bags and big bags are stacked on pallets, wrapped with protective foil and distributed across Europe by lorry or container. From the bulk silos the product can also directly be transferred into silo wagons suitable for food products.